Generate SSH Key


Learn how to generate a pair of SSH keys.

Check if there's any already available

Open the terminal and list the content in .ssh/ located in your home folder.

  ls ~/.ssh

Is there any *.pub file? The most popular and by order of preference:

Algorithm Public key Private key
ED25519 id_ed25519
RSA id_rsa

If there's a file, copy the content from the *.pub to your Git host service. The other file is your private key, only share with computers you use.

Generate the key

If you don't have a pair of SSH keys, create a new one, by typing in your terminal:

  ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<yourCommentHere>"


  ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "<yourCommentHere>"

You will be prompted to create a file to save the new key. Press enter to accept the default value.

After that there's a prompt to create a passphrase. You can simply hit enter to create the key without a password. If you ever want to update the password, you can do:

  ssh-keygen -p f /path/my_ssh_key

Copy the content of your public key

To use the key with your git online service, you'll need to copy the content of the Use your favorite text editor or simply type in the terminal and copy.

  cat /path/

This is what you are going to use with your git online service.